Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alpha Mangosteen Found in Mangosteen Fruit Wipes Out Acne Bacteria!

Recent Scientific studies have found that certain extracts from the mangosteen fruit (specifically from the rind) help to kill the types of bacteria that cause acne and other skin breakouts.

It has been documented in humans as well as found in laboratory studies.

Check out the abstract of one study HERE!

To get mangosteen, I recommend Xango, which is, to me, the best tasting mangosteen juice, as well as the most effective.. click here for my Xango site.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Garcinia Mangostana Helps Prevent Obesity Associated Inflammation

According to many studies done over the past several years, it has been shown that two of the types of xanthones in mangosteen help to prevent and get rid of obesity related inflammation. In addition to this, it was found that mangosteen could possibly also help with tumor necrosis and the insulin factor (which is often a problem in obese people). CLICK HERE TO READ THE ABSTRACT!

Garcinia Mangostana (Mangosteen) Helps to Protect Against The Brain Plaque (caused by beta amyloid proteins) That is Found in Alzheimer's Disease

Studies have shown that mangosteen seems to have the ability to help prevent the dangerous plaque that ravages Alzheimer's disease sufferers.

In scientific research mangosteen extract was shown to help decrease the propogation and growth of such cells. CLICK HERE TO READ THE RESEARCH

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) Science

The mangosteen fruit has been used for centuries by native peoples in the areas where it grows naturally. Much research has been done recently searching for answers as to whether mangosteen really is as great as it is supposed to be, and guess what? It is!!!

Lots of people talk about ORAC values (this is the quantity of antioxidants that are in a thing). But, it's not always only about the ORAC values, but also about the other constituents. The fact is that every natural plant has a long list of valuable constituents that work together to give the effect of that particular plant. And while ORAC values are very important (after all, don't we want to have free radicals (those are like poisons) floating around in our bodies, do we), but they are not everything.

Mangosteen fruit, including the rind and stem, have many incredible, indeed, miraculous constituents, including Xanthones (amazing plant chemicals that are responsible for helping keep our bodies super healthy) and more.

Check out these amazing studies!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mangosteen... Is It Really As Great as People Say? Or Is It a Scam? Is Xango Juice a scam???

For the past several years there has been a real buzz about the mangosteen fruit (scientifically known as: Garcinia mangostana). People want to know if it really is the amazing health booster that some companies claim.

The fact is, that based on the scientific studies that have been done so far, mangosteen (particularly the whole fruit, including the fruit, rind, and stem) really is an incredibly healthful natural food that can indeed improve a person's health in many ways.